Computer World (1981, Brazil) EMI 31C 264 64370 Time for another Computer World cassette, I think! As the 70s turned to the 80s, the variation in international sleeve design would decrease, and for Kraftwerks later output, not that many different editions were forthcoming, compared to the late 70s era. Both because many smaller territories would import the cassettes, especially within the European Union, and because the same design would be used again for many countries. I mention this only because it makes me appreciate the few variants even more when I come across one! Take this Brazilian edition of Computer World, for instance. It's got the standard Hazeltine 1500 terminal design, with the "computer" lettering of band name and album title across the top, and the standard yellow background - the only thing that makes it any different to so many other editions is the song titles below the image. I must say I like to see the titles across the front - it gives the impres...