MUSIQUE NON STOP (New Zealand, 1986) EMI TC-GOOD 148 This. THIS! I've had a few rarities on this blog before, and of course I'm still learning about Krafwerk cassettes, ie. what exists and how to find the items. But this, I only even heard about it a couple of years ago, I was pretty stunned to find out it existed, and it was one of my absolute top wants - until now. When I started collecting Kraftwerk cassettes, the cassette singles appealed to me more than albums. I was lucky to get the Pocket Calculator cassette early on, certainly due to its packaging (I'll have to post that one later!). In 1991, when Kraftwerk were back after four years of total silence, I got the singles on all formats, including cassette. And it occurred to me that it was strange that none of the 1986 singles was released on single, but knowing what I now know, isn't it actually even stranger that New Zealand did release it on cassette? As the only country in the world? EMI New Zealand made a nu...