THE TELEPHONE CALL (UK, 1987) EMI (no cat.no) So. Yeah. It's been a while. What I have here today though, is something quite special: An Abbey Road Studios cassette from 1987, featuring their single The Telephone Call. The single was released on 7" and 12" in the UK (and in many territories), but not on cassette - neither in the UK, nor, as far as I know, anywhere else. And this cassette isn't actually a "release" in the standard definition, either - certainly not available in shops, or even sent out as a promotional item... As often happens in this blog, actual fact is hard to come by, and I can't say I know exactly what this cassette is or does. At a guess, it is a listening copy for studio use, to check the mastering prior to pressing up acetates or white label promos. At least, this is not a factory print of a cassette. In fact, the cassette is a TDK AD C-46, probably the sort you could buy in shops in 1987, and the cover is printed or colour co...