RADIO-ACTIVITY (1975, Australia)
Capitol, TC-SP-11457
I've briefly featured Australia before, with the cassette single for Tour De France, but there are of course a wide range of releases from that great country, so - have another!
Most Australian cassette releases are quite... tidy, I suppose, rarely straying far from the international norm - and Radio-Activity is no exception. The front has a facsimile of the LP cover against a white background, and band name and title in larger letters underneath the picture. I've only ever seen this one edition of Radio-Activity on cassette from Australia, too, no mid-80s reissue or cassette shell variants (that I've come across, yet!).
The J-card is 2-panel, and although it does have print on both sides, the inside is not related to this particular release. Instead, we are treated to a few hints and tips - do's and dont's - on how to care for your cassette. Similar information has been printed on cassette releases from across the world, and of course similar tips were also known to adorn the odd vinyl inner sleeve, but I think it's kinda cute none the less. The cassette is white and has white paper labels. (Mine has some age stains, thank you for pretending not to notice!)
So all in all, a pretty straight-forward edition, but I can't fault it! Good item, well done E.M.I. (Australia) Limited, Sydney, NSW!
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