Computer World (Indonesia, 1981)
Yess 363

Some music is relatable across the continents. Kraftwerk appears to be seen as quintessentially German by many people, and so it's fascinating to see how far their music would travel - case in point, they were listened to in Indonesia. And here's the Indonesian cassette of Computer World.

YESS is an Indonesian label, apparently not connected with the Western European or international labels that would elsewhere release Kraftwerk... So is this a "pirate" cassette, or "bootleg"? Well, yes, purely speaking it is. However, according to some sources (quoted in Discogs), the cassettes released on YESS were apparently seen as "official" in Indonesia, the company paid their taxes at home (if not necessarily setting aside funds for royalties to Europe!) and, well, Europe was very far away... That doesn't make it legit, obviously, but in Indonesia, they probably regarded this as official - if they even thought about it.

So anyway. The cassette is a grey-shell Maxell UD, if such a thing actually existed; "Maxell UD" is stamped across the top of the shell. The only Maxell UDs I remember from my childhood were black, and I can't find any grey cassettes online, but seeing as Maxell UD existed already in 1970, I suppose this is an early variant? To this cassette, YESS have attatched their own paper labels - light green, with a logo of a drummer at his kit, with a sort of fish with feet beside it? (Edit: Oh, a dragon! I see.) Also, the YESS logo and a small "A" or "B" where appropriate. Rather trippy. 

As this is a C-60, nearly the whole album fits on side A. Only the last track (It's More Fun To Compute) is on side B, along with some bonus tracks that appear to be taken from Exceller 8; at least, these five early tracks are all on that compilation, and "Ruckzuck" is spelt "Ruckzak" here... (it's Ruckzack on Ex8; at least a funny coincidence.) That's not the only spelling mistake though, there's a couple more. As an aside, I wonder where the misspelling in "Pöcket Calculator" came from? It gives it a slightly comical sheen, "see the lövely lakes" and all that...

The cover is a thick, high-gloss card, two panels printed on the outside only, and a lovely sky blue colour. Track list and band members, that dragon takes up all the space on the backflap save for some trademark numbers and other obscure code. The front has a big YESS logo across the front, and underneath, a small facsimile of the LP sleeve which is - I kid you not - glued to the J-card! At a guess, this is printed on photo paper, it's even glossier than the J-card. It makes me wonder how many copies there can exist of this - it must be hand glued I expect? Oh well. As usual, the lack of actual info takes nothing from my enjoyment of the item!


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