V/A - Super Group Festival (Germany, 1974)
Philips 69 978

Another Various artists compilation today, and again I feel it's justified by the Kraftwerk content - I trust this item should be interesting to even the most discerning Kraftwerk cassette enthusiast!

As we know, Kraftwerk released precious little music that wasn't on their albums; their singles would generally an album track on each side, and they didn't contribute exclusive tracks to film soundtracks or compilation albums. 11 albums, some with language variations (5 albums in both German and English, two songs in French, two in Spanish and one in Japanese). Tour De France is a non-album single, or at least it was for 20 years - until they re-recorded it and used it to flesh out the 2003 album Tour De France Soundtracks. 

So the only Kraftwerk recording that isn't on any of their albums is the early version of Kometenmelodie. Released as "Kohoutek-Kometenmelodie", this was a 1973 single, with one fast version and a slow one, much like on the Autobahn LP, but recorded with earlier equipment and slightly less produced... These versions were nearly exclusive to the single; a 1977 Italian compilation has the A-side version and the B-side... is here. Version 2 is the slower version, and in fact the single fades a little earlier than this compilation - I think the track is around 20 seconds longer here.

The Super Group Festival LP was released in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 1974 (AFAIK only Germany put it out on cassette though), and features some big names of 1974's rock elite; Bachman-Turner Overdrive, Status Quo, Nazareth and Genesis. Each band has 2-3 tracks, and with Kraftwerk, we get the first half of Ruckzuck, the German single mix of Autobahn and Kohoutek-Kometenmelodie 2. It's quite startling to hear Ruckzuck fade out after 3:15 to make way for "Break the Rules" by Status Quo...

The J-card is a long 3-panel affair, with colour print on the outside and a little additional info in b/w on the inside. Cassettes are grey, while the labels are a lovely dark green.


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