RADIO-ACTIVITY (Greece, 1985)
Capitol/ EMI, 262-82087

Another first on this blog - I don't think I've ever had anything from Greece before? Here's a 1985 reissue of Radio-Activity, which has turned up quite recently.

It has maintained that '70s look, or at least, the design is very simple - where some territories amended the original LP design, here, we simply get the facsimile treatment. Ie, the square album design placed in the middle of the front panel, with band name and album title above. Can't have taken ten minutes to design this. The J-card is a 2-panel effort, printed on one side, and the cassette itself is grey with blue print, without labels.  (I never really understood the need for sticking paper labels on plastic cassettes anyway, they tend to fall off or skewer or curl up something horribly, and if one end came loose, the labels could be mangled up by your car stereo, so it's much easier to find decent-looking used copies of those cassettes that didn't have them.) For once, there is clear evidence of release year: 1985 is printed on both J-card and the cassette itself. If there was an earlier cassette release of this issued in Greece, I have yet to come across one.

I bought this not long ago, and it was still sealed when I got it, with a small sash along the lower part of the cover. This has some information in Greek, and the letters I.F.P.I. - which stands for the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry. I suppose, although this is mere guesswork on my part, that there is info here about the copyright, maybe something like you can't copy it to other cassettes, or simply a statement that the product is official and legal? Nice though.

I regret slightly that I didn't keep the item sealed when I got it. Well, but I needed to look inside!


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