Capitol 4N-16301
It feels a bit like I'm clearing out the hard-drive here, as yet another of my follow-up posts turn up right on the back of the last one... This time it's the second US edition of Trans-Europe Express - I've posted the first edition before.
anyway, as stated before, both editions come in a simple 1-panel J-card, printed on one side only, the first edition has the LP cover reprinted against a black background, while this is in white. Note the message on the spine: "A Capitol Re-Issue", saving us the effort of wondering about it. The cassette is grey with black print, and perhaps surprisingly, it has rectified the running order, where the first one had changed the tracks around (to make the programmes of each side as similar in length as possible). Here, the running order is as per the LP, which means you get four minutes of silence after the last vocoded "Endless..." on side 2. Well, to each life some rain must fall. Not a grand rarity, not a very special design either, but I must admit I like the two US editions together.
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