Computer World (Poland, 1990?) Unofficial release
Tact 037
Been quiet here for a while, but I'm back today with a Polish edition of Computer World.
I've featured many Polish pirate cassettes recently of course, and in fact, I haven't been able to add much else to my collection for a couple of months, so there's that. Also, I've been waiting for some fantastic rarities from a friend, but they have yet to materialise, so we're back to the boots again. It's ok though, they're nice, although there's little left for me to say about the Polish cassette industry.
I have of course touched upon the fact earlier, that some of these cassettes look genuinely baffling, some quite hideous, but today's example I find rather pretty actually. It's green, as visible from the pictures, and the green background compliments the original yellow album design nicely while also being of a quieter tasteful style compared with some of the more garish eye-catching covers I've seen from Poland in particular...
And also as usual, the production costs are not lavish; the paper is little better than standard copy paper, printed on one side, and the cassette is non-descript type 1 with the same labels as other releases on that label. Still, as I say, all in all a nice item!
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