TRANS-EUROPA EXPRESS (The Netherlands, 1977)
Capitol 5C 264.82306

I don't expect many bands would actually sing their songs in different languages? Well, of course, there was Eurovision, where artists might enter a song in their own language, then sing it in English if they won the competition... Anyway, today I'm presenting a rare edition of Trans-Europa Express from the Netherlands, and again I'm fascinated by the language confusion of Kraftwerk releases from this country!

I've posted two different editions of Computer World from the Netherlands before, one a mis-print where the titles are printed in English, but the songs are actually song in German, while the other is the English version on tape as in print. A lot of LPs were manufactured that play German but have English titles, and now, here's a TEE cassette that bears the German titles, but has the music in English - except for one printer's error in "Europe Endlos".

The cover is a one-panel J-card, on rather thin paper, printed on both sides. The front has the J. Stara colour image against a bright orange background. (The spine on my copy is faded - it should be the same orange colour as the background of the front). Cassettes are blue with black on-body print, and housed in a blue shell.



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