Capitol 10C 264-85.110 (SW-11603)
Time for a quick one: Another Spanish edition of TEE, and I think this is actually the first edition.
Spain put out a lot of different variants
for each release, with the insert printed on different types of
card, die-cut backflaps or not, 1-panel or 2-panel J-card etc. My theory (and yes, I repeat myself) is that all Spanish first editions, ie. for all releases on
Capitol and EMI, would have yellow paper labels.
As with the previous Spanish cassette I posted for this, the J-card is 1-panel, printed on one side. In fact, I can't see any difference to the insert except the card stock used; this edition looks more white, while the other one I posted is printed on a slightly greyish card. Apart from that, the labels here are yellow paper labels, and the print is slightly different, although made to fit the same mold - a different typeface, some surprising punctuation, and the paper labels have better print, I think, but all the elements are the same, and in the same place.
More variants as I get them so stay tuned! ...Or not.
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