Computer World (Poland, 19?) Unofficial release
Mag Magic M-0401
Had a few nice additions from Western Europe recently, which I'm looking forward to posting - but today I'm back to the Polish editions! Here's another version of Computer World. You gotta love these pirate versions!
Now, I've touched upon the attraction of these un-official, more or less cottage industry Polish cassettes before, but one thing I seem to have forgotten to say is how to tell they're actually Polish. It doesn't necessarily say so on the cover, and they generally use English language on the cassette covers - although exceptions exist - but in many cases, the Polish copyright bureau ZAIKS is mentioned, giving the game away. Of course, if this mention indicates any other contact with the copyright authorities, such as paying the musicians royalties for their work, one might debate how un-official these Polish cassettes really are. I'll leave that for a rainier day though.
Anyway, the cassette for today has none of the usual insane design features - It comes with a 2-panel J-card printed on one side only, and the J-card has a yellow background, except the track lists which are in white boxes both on the backflap and the right panel. "Computer Love" and "Numbers"/ "Computerworld 2" have swapped places, no doubt to make the cassette sides more equal of length - although if my childhood addition skills do not fail me, they saved around 15 seconds on it. Well, every little helps! Cassettes are clear shell, and the labels are "Mag Magic" standard, with no allusion to what's on them, so if you have several Mag Magic cassettes, be sure to keep them tidy so they don't get mixed up!
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